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To the website’s contractor.
Complete list of questions for
the website’s contractor
Send these questions to the prospective contractor before signing the contract.
The answers will help you choose the best offer.
Planning and organization
Do you have experience in creating websites for companies in my industry?
2. Will you do an analysis of my industry before making the website? What will it be about?
3. For the amount of .... $, can you create a website that fully complies with my guidelines?
If not, what can we opt out of?
4. Will you work in-house or outsource my project?
5. What is your design process? Will I be involved in it?
6. Should I deliver texts and images to the website?
7. Do you have a portfolio? Can I get links to your previous
implementations or talk to former clients?
8. What are the payment terms?
9. Who and at what times can I contact regarding the project?
10. How long will it take to complete my website?
Design & Development
11. What CMS do you use? Will I get access to it to test it
and see if it's convenient?
12. Will you create the website from scratch or use a template?
13. Will you build the website following SEO rules?
14. Will my website be responsive?
15. How many rounds of revisions will I get?
16. What securities will my website receive?
Additional services
17. Do you also offer services other than web design? At what price?
18. How will you ensure a high level of a website's UX?
19. Will you integrate the website with Google Analytics and
Facebook Pixel?
20. Will you integrate my website with social media profiles?
21. Will you optimize your conversion by, e.g., A/B tests?
22. What applications will be installed on my website? What is their cost?
23. Will you design a website with e-commerce functionality? At what price?
24. Will you (re)design my logo?
25. Will you train me to use my site before its goes live?
26. Will there be downtime while moving from my former website to the new one?
27. Will I become the owner of the domain, website, and all its content once it is published?
28. Will I receive all the original files used in work on the website?
29. Is my website ADA accessible?
30. Are the domain and hosting included?
31. What will my website's maintenance look like, and how much will it cost?
How to analyze the contractor's answers to the
above questions and choose the best offer?
Read more!
© 2021 bowwe. All rights reserved.
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QuestionnaireToWebDesignerPDF - BOWWE.pdf (PDF, 715 KB)
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