Raising the Bar Euromed A Way Forward Info Pack .pdf

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Raising the Bar: Euromed A Way Forward
31st March – 6 April 2014

Raising the Bar: Euromed A
Way Forward Training Course
31 March – 6 April 2014,

Raising the Bar: Euromed A Way Forward
31st March – 6 April 2014

This Training Course will offer an opportunity to the partners involved to reflect on issues which are common
to all countries coming from the EU/Meda region. The training course will thus focus mainly on three issue;
1. Inter-cultural dialogue enhanced through intercultural communication
2. Inclusion and young people in EU / Meda region within a European context
3. Project Management and active participation of young people in an innovative and creative way
This training will result in opportunities to actively participate; thus stimulating initiative, innovation and
entrepreneurship. Therefore, the event shall generate an environment to support partner’s capacity building in
the region on topics of inclusion and intercultural communication. It will be run over 5 days and will see 30
participants coming from 10 different countries from all over the Mediterranean namely; Malta, Greece, Croatia,
Spain, Italy, Palestine, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey and Morocco
Simulation, role- playing, Workshops, discussion and hand on / practical session will be taking place during the
training course.

For whom is this Training course?
This training course is targeted for youth workers, youth leaders and young people (18+) that are interested to
learn more about intercultural dialogue and inclusion.

Profile of Participants
The training course is designed for those who are directly involved in their organization on a local level and
would like to start networking on an international level. The characteristics needed for the selected
participants are;
- Interested to know more about intercultural learning
- Have the capabilities to apply what he/she learns in the local organization
- Interested to work on the network created during the training course
- Interested to create project within ERASMUS+ framework
- Open minded
- Young at heart

Aims and Objectives
The main aims and objectives of this training course are to;
1) Promote young people’s active citizenship in general and their European citizenship in particular
2) develop solidarity and promote tolerance among young people, in particular in order to foster social
cohesion in the European Union
3) foster mutual understanding between young people in different countries; The training will tackle
Intercultural learning on an individual and group level to ensure that the participants will go into
depth in the subject

4) contribute to developing the quality of support systems for youth activities and the capabilities of
civil society organizations in the youth field; As individual participants will learn more about
intercultural communications, how to deal with conflict, how to improve the quality of youth work
implemented on a National and European level. All this will increase the capabilities of the individuals

Raising the Bar: Euromed A Way Forward
31st March – 6 April 2014
enabling them to transfer the knowledge, attitudes and skills in their local and European realities
when working with young people.
5) Increase the participation of young people
6) Promote cultural diversity; the nature of the training
course is a melting pot of cultures coming from the
EUROMED region. The participants will learn about
each other’s cultures. They will come to understand
that although there are deep rooted differences, these
differences can enrich our experience rather than
being a point of friction and conflict. Thus, this training
course aims at making the participants appreciate
cultural diversity and celebrate it and therefore
building on the values of the European Union which
stresses that in diversity lies our unity.
7) Promote inclusion; The training will specifically tackle inclusion through specific session which will
lead participants to reflect on the situation in the their country and in their own personal lives.

What about Malta?
Malta is a tiny Island with a lot of history which goes back thousands of years (http://www.visitmalta.com/).
Malta is also well known for its beautiful shores and kindness of the people (I hope you would agree with this
statement after the training course as well).
The climate is not too cold in winter and piping hot in summer. In October – We can expect anything from Sun
to a bit of a rain, but with an average temperature of 20 degrees. Malta although small in its size we are proud
to have our own unique language (which is Semitic in its roots but influences by Italian, French and English),
we also speak English as well, so don’t worry, you don’t need to learn Maltese!!

(This will be communicated to you later on once we book the hotel/hostel)

This training course is co-financed by Youth in Action programme. Therefore 70% of the travelling and
accommodation and Visa costs are covered by the Youth in Action programme. As a participant you have to
pay 30% of the travelling. By Travelling we mean, Buses, Trains, Flights and any transport you might take to
arrive from home in your country to the hotel in Malta. Please note that only the cheapest option will be
reimbursed, therefore no 1st class tickets please!!! Choose your cheapest viable option to get from home to
Malta in Time. You have to make your travelling arrangements yourselves!! IMP!! Keep any
receipts/tickets/boarding passes you might have since we cannot reimburse any tickets if we are not given
these documents!!
Should you wish to spend more time in Malta this is possible but you would have to cover the accommodation
costs since the Youth in Action Programme covers only costs related to the duration of the project.

Intercultural Eve
If you already took part in a Training course you might be aware what intercultural Evening is… If this is your
first time I will explain. It is a tradition that on one of the evenings during the training course; all the
participants gather together and present food and drinks which they bring with them from their country.
Therefore this is a polite invitation for you to get some goodies from your country for the rest of us to try
out!!...apart from the food you might also get some information (posters, postcards, leaflets etc…) about your
home country for us to appreciate…who knows maybe we will come and visit you one day!!

Raising the Bar: Euromed A Way Forward
31st March – 6 April 2014

Day 1

Day 2


Ice Breakers
& Common


Coffee Break


Hopes, Fears
The Island of
The Island of
Monomulti –

and IceBreakers

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

The Ladder
Who would
you live
with? +
+ The
The 7 types
Power of
of exclusion
Coffee Break

Day 6

Day 7





The reality
in my
country ...


Works in
Progress …









NGO Fair

al Evening

Mdina by

Let’s Get

My Factor!



Free Evening



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Raising the Bar - Euromed A Way Forward - Info Pack.pdf (PDF, 905 KB)

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