Spanish Tapas in English Carlos Mirasierras .pdf

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Spanish Tapas in English, Recipes in English by Carlos Mirasierras

Spanish Tapas in English, Recipes in English by Carlos Mirasierras

Roasted vegetables with Serrano ham

Spanish Tapas in English, Recipes in English by Carlos Mirasierras

Ingredients: 1/2kg of eggplant; 2 red peppers ; 1 medium onion; 3 tbsp olive oil;
2 tbsp lemon juice; 50g Serrano ham; 4 small tomatoes
Wash then cut the eggplant and peppers in half
Cut the onion into quarters and wash the tomatoes
Place everything in a roasting tin and sprinkle over 2 tbsp of olive oil
Roast the vegetables in a preheated oven (180 degrees) for about 20 mins;
then remove from the oven and set aside to cool
Meanwhile cut the Serrano ham into small pieces and lightly fry it for a few
mins then set aside
Remove the skin from the vegetables and cut then into small cubes; then put
everything in a bowl, add a little more olive oil if necessary, and some lemon
juice , and season with salt and pepper
Finally, add the Serrano ham. Serve cold.
Empanadillas (small meat-stuffed pies)
Ingredients for the filling: 400g (14 oz) canned tuna or cooked meat of your
choice, such as chicken, beef, or ham, finely chopped or minced; 6 tbsps of
grated ripe tomatoes; 2 hard boiled eggs, peeled and chopped; 2 tbsps of
brandy; Half small onion, peeled and chopped; 10 pitted green olives chopped
For the pastry: 400g (14 oz) plain flour 200g (7 oz) butter Pinch of salt 200ml
(6.8 fl.oz) chilled white wine
First make the pastry: Sieve the flour into a large mixing bowl and add the salt.
Add the butter and then rub in until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.
Add the wine a little at a time while you combine with a knife.
Knead into a ball and turn out onto a floured surface. Knead briefly and wrap in
cling film.
Place in the fridge for an hour.
Once chilled, roll out the pastry onto a floured surface to a thickness of about ½
a centimeter. Cut into rounds of about 10cm.
Mix all of the filling ingredients together.
Put a spoonful of the filling into the centre of each round, dampen the edges
with a little water and fold over to make half moons. Press the edges firmly
together with a fork.


Spanish Tapas in English, Recipes in English by Carlos Mirasierras

In a small, deep pan heat enough olive oil to cover the pasties until just below
smoking point. Fry the pasties in batches for a few minutes until golden all over.
Drain on kitchen paper and serve immediately.
Oyster mushrooms with almond sauce
Ingredients: 1 kg of oyster mushrooms; 12 peeled almonds; 1/2 tsp of paprika;
salt; 100 ml of white wine; flour; 1 tbsp of butter
Wipe clean the oyster mushrooms and set aside
Grind the peeled almonds with a hand blender
Heat the oil in a frying pan to cook the mushrooms, season with salt - fry for 8
mins turning the mushrooms over so they brown on both sides
Put the white wine, ground almonds and flour in a separate pan and cook until
the sauce thickens - stirring to avoid it becomes lumpy
Put the mushrooms on a serving plate and pour the sauce over them - garnish
with freshly chopped parsley and serve immediately
Scrambled eggs with bacon and sausage
Ingredients: 50 g of bacon; 50 g of chorizo sausage; 1 tbsp of olive oil; 4 eggs;
2 tbsp of milk; salt and pepper

Cut the bacon and the chorizo into small cubes (first, remove the casing of the
chorizo) Fry the cubes in some oil
Whisk the eggs together with the milk, season with salt and pepper, and pour it
all in frying pan, while stirring the mixture; serve on some fresh bread once the
eggs are set.
Artichokes with lemon
Ingredients: 8 artichokes; 4 tbsp of lemon juice; 2 cloves of garlic; 4tbsp of
olive oil; 2 tbsp of finely ground breadcrumbs; salt and pepper
Remove the rough outer leaves of the artichoke , rub with a little lemon juice
and boil in salted water for about 15 mins, and drain afterwards.


Spanish Tapas in English, Recipes in English by Carlos Mirasierras

Heat the oil in a frying pan and sauté the chopped onion and garlic for a few
mins until the onion softens, then add the breadcrumbs and fry for a few more
mins until the breadcrumbs become crisp
Add the lemon juice to the frying pan - season the mixture with salt and pepper
Next, place the cooked artichokes on a plate, cut in halves, pour the mixture
over them and serve immediately.
Broken Eggs Huevos rotos)
This recipe is also known as Huevos estrellados
Ingredients: 3 large potatoes peeled and cut into 2cm cubes; 6 garlic cloves,
unpeeled; 8-10 slices of serrano ham; 4 eggs olive oil for frying, about 500ml;
salt ½ teaspoon smoked paprika (use hot or sweet, depending on your
Heat about 300ml olive oil in a deep pan over a medium heat. Add the potatoes
and cook for around 15 minutes, turning from time to time. Add the garlic and
continue cooking for another 10 minutes until the potatoes are tender and lightly
Remove and drain on kitchen paper, sprinkle with salt and paprika. Divide the
potatoes onto four warm plates.
Fill another small, deep saucepan with the rest of the oil and heat over a high
Crack the eggs into a cup, one at a time and slide into the hot oil.
Cook for 30-90 seconds (depending on if you like your eggs runny or firm)
remove with a slotted spoon, drain and place on top of the potatoes.
Lay a couple of slices of serrano ham over the top and serve immediately.

San Jacobos
Ingredients: sliced ham; thinly sliced cheese; 1 egg, whisked; olive oil; fine
Roll a slice of ham and a slice of cheese together, dip the roll in the whisked
eggs, dredge it in the breadcrumbs. (stick a toothpick through the roll if the
slices don't hold together)

Spanish Tapas in English, Recipes in English by Carlos Mirasierras

Fry the rolls in hot oil until they get a nice brownish color.
Place the rolls on kitchen paper to drain off the excess of oil.

Ingredients: 1/2 onion; 1 garlic clove; fresh parsley;150 g of flour;1 egg (yolk
and white separated); 300 g of bone-free fish; 1/4 tsp of baking powder; 1/4 tsp
of crushed saffron strands; 150 ml of water; salt; olive oil
Put the onion, parsley, flour, baking powder, water, 1/2 tsp salt, egg yolk,
saffron in a blender and mix together to make a batter - let it sit for about 30
Whisk the egg white until stiff and add it to the batter.
Dip the pieces of fish into the batter, and deep-fry in hot oil (not smoking) to
get a nice brown color
Remove from the oil when brown and drain off the excess oil before serving
Spicy kebabs
Preparation: 1/2 pork or beef; chopped parsley; 4 garlic cloves, finely chopped
; the juice of 1 lemon; 1/2 tsp paprika; 1/2 tsp of ground cumin
Cut the meat into cubes
Put the lemon juice, the chopped parsley (2 tbsp), the garlic, the paprika and
the ground cumin into a bowl to make the marinade
Put the meat cubes into the bowl and keep them in the fridge for 8 - 24 hours
Assemble the skewers, and grill/barbeque them.
Green olives in a herb sauce
Ingredients: 300 g of green olives; 1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley; 2 cloves
garlic, crushed; olive oil
Crush the olives with the help of a rolling pin
Next, put the olives in a container with a screw-cap, add the garlic cloves, the
parsley in a glass jar and pour over some olive oil (about 2 tbsp) - shake all
ingredients together keep in the fridge before serving.


Spanish Tapas in English, Recipes in English by Carlos Mirasierras

Fried fresh anchovies
Ingredients: /2 kg fresh anchovies; flour; 2 eggs (whisked); olive oil
Gut the fresh anchovies, cut the heads off, open the fish lengthwise, and
remove the backbone ; next, wash them under running water and drain
Season with salt
Dip them in a batter made of flour and whisked egg and deep-fry them in hot oil,
making sure that they don't get over-fried
Serve straightaway before they get cold.
Prawns with Romesco sauce
Ingredients: 1 red pepper, preferably the long, thin skinned Roman variety; 3
fat garlic cloves; 1 large fresh red chili; 1 large ripe tomato; 10 shelled
hazelnuts; 10 blanched almonds; 3 sprigs parsley; small slice day-old bread; 8
tbsp olive oil; 2 tbsp red wine vinegar; 400g pack large, cooked, peeled tiger
prawns, defrosted if frozen (if frozen it is better to scald them for 8-10 secs. so
they won't release juices when fried)

Preparation: Prepare ahead - halve the pepper lengthways and remove the
seeds and stalk. Line a grill pan with foil and put the pepper halves, skin side
up, on the grill pan with the whole garlic cloves, chili and tomato. Grill for 2
minutes, turn the tomato, then grill for a further 2 minutes. Remove the tomato
with a large spoon, then peel, quarter and remove the seeds. Then chop the
tomato roughly.
Continue grilling the pepper, chili and garlic for 4-5 minutes, until the pepper
and chili skins have blackened and the garlic is starting to soften (the garlic skin
will start to split when it is ready). When cool enough to handle, peel and halve
the chili, and scrape out and discard the seeds. Peel the pepper and roughly
chop both the pepper and chili.
Spread nuts over the foil and grill until toasted. Finely chop the nuts and parsley
in a food processor. Tip into a small bowl.
Heat 3 tbsp of oil in a frying pan, add the pepper, garlic and chili and fry for 3
minutes. Tear up the bread and add to the pan, turning it in the oil until lightly
browned. Pulse in food processor with the tomatoes, salt, vinegar and oil until

Spanish Tapas in English, Recipes in English by Carlos Mirasierras

roughly chopped. Tip into a bowl. Leave to cool and store in fridge for up to 3
On the day add the nuts and parsley to the sauce and mix. Serve in a small
bowl on a plate with the peeled prawns. Supply cocktail sticks for spearing the
Asparagus Wrapped in Jamón Serrano
Ingredients: 1 bunch fresh asparagus spears; 12 long, thin slices of prosciutto;
juice of 1 lemon; extra virgin olive oil; salt and freshly ground pepper; 1 heaping
tbsp chopped yellow or orange bell pepper
Steam fresh asparagus or drain wild asparagus. Wrap slices of jamón around a
small bunch of asparagus. Chill until cool. Before serving, drizzle with extra
virgin olive oil and lemon juice. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Spanish spinach omelet
Ingredients: 400g bag spinach leaves; 3 tbsp olive oil; 1 large onion, finely
sliced 2 large potatoes, peeled and finely sliced 10 eggs
Preparation: Tip the spinach into a large colander and bring a kettleful of water
to the boil. Slowly pour the water over the spinach until wilted, then cool under
cold water. Squeeze all the liquid out of the spinach and set aside.
Heat grill to high. Heat the oil in a non-stick frying pan and gently cook the onion
and potato for about 10 mins until the potato is soft. While the onion is cooking,
beat the eggs together in a large bowl and season with salt and pepper. Stir the
spinach into the potatoes, then pour in the eggs and cook, stirring occasionally,
until nearly set, then flash the omelet under the grill to set the top. Ease the
omelet on to a plate, then flip over back into the pan. Finish cooking the omelet
on the underside and turn out onto a board. Serve cut into wedges.

Fried artichokes
Ingredients: 4 artichokes; olive oil; salt; 2 garlic cloves, sliced; a few slices of
Serrano ham (optional); lemon juice



Spanish Tapas in English, Recipes in English by Carlos Mirasierras

Remove the outer layers of the artichokes from the edible part; also cut the
Slice the artichokes into thin layers (1/4 of an inch).
Fry the artichoke slices together with the garlic, and avoid both ingredients get
over-fried .
Finally, drain the excess of oil, sprinkle some salt on them and serve with some
Serrano ham slices.
Marinated mushrooms
Ingredients: 3 tbsp of olive oil; 1 small onion, finely chopped; 1 garlic clove,
finely chopped; 1/2 small glass of white wine; 1/2 small glass of water; salt and
pepper; 350g mushrooms (preferably small)
Heat the oil in a heavy based pan
Slightly fry first the garlic and start simmering the onion; add some salt and
pepper and keep them on the heat for 5 - 10 mins until the onion has softened
Add the wine, allow it to evaporate, add the water and let simmer for 20 mins
In the meantime clean the mushrooms and slice them;
Next, add the mushrooms, and allow another ten minutes of simmering before
serving. This preparation can also be consumed cold.
Barbecued mini ribs
Ingredients: 1 rack of pork ribs, about; 1 1/2 tbsp sherry; 1 tbsp tomato puree
(paste); 1 tsp soy Sauce; 1 / 2 tsp Tabasco Sauce; 1 tbsp brown sugar; 2 tbsp
seasoned plain (all-purpose) flour; Coarse sea salt
Preparation Separate the ribs, then, using a meat cleaver or heavy knife, cut
each rib in half across make about 30 pieces. Mix the sherry, tomato purée, soy
sauce, Tabasco, and sugar in a bowl. Stir in 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Put the
seasoned flour in a strong plastic bag, then add the ribs and toss to coat. Dip
each rib in the sauce. Cook on a hot barbecue or under a hot grill (broiler) for
30-40 minutes, turning occasionally until cooked and a little charred.

Oyster mushrooms recipe
Ingredients: 200 g of large oyster mushrooms; 2 or 3 garlic cloves, finely
sliced; 2 tbsp olive oil; salt

Spanish Tapas in English, Recipes in English by Carlos Mirasierras

Fry the oyster mushrooms, and the garlic (the latter is optional) in oil over a high
flame, and sprinkle some salt on them.
Keep turning the mushrooms over so they can be cooked on both sides.
Once they are fried you can add parsley and garlic, finely chopped, and sprinkle
some olive oil on the preparation. Serve before it gets cold.

Fried asparagus
Ingredients: Green asparagus; 2 tbsp olive oil; salt;
Wash the asparagus and cut off the rough ends (a good system is to try to
break the asparagus with both hands and by the weakest point; the rough end
easily becomes detached at this point)
Fry the asparagus in some olive oil on a medium-to-high heat until they all get a
bit brown. 3. Next, and once they are fried, sprinkle some salt, lemon juice
(optional) and serve before they get cold.

Fried eggplants
Ingredients: 1 medium eggplant; 1 egg; a few slices of Serrano ham (optional);
3 tbsp flour; salt and olive oil
Slice the eggplant (about 1 cm thick)
Whisk the egg with some salt, and set aside
Spread some flour on a large plate
Start heating the oil in a frying pan on a medium heat
Dip the eggplant slices in the whisked egg and dredge in flour
Fry immediately for about 3 - 5 mins, turning them over to get a brown color on
each side, and place on kitchen paper to drain off the excess of oil.
Basque pincho: Mushroom and ham
Ingredients: A loaf of bread (baguette); 100 g of uncut medium-sized
mushrooms; 50 g Serrano ham; salt and pepper; olive oil
First, clean the mushrooms; place them on a roasting pan, sprinkle some oil,
and move them to a preheated oven at 200º C for approx 10 mins when done
remove from the oven and season with salt and pepper - set aside
Cut up the stick of bread and lay the pieces (about 3 cm thick) on a plate

Spanish Tapas in English, Recipes in English by Carlos Mirasierras

Place a slice of ham on each piece of bread and on top place the cooked
mushroom secured by a cocktail stick.
Tuna, egg and tomato salad
Ingredients: 1 large tomato; 1 small tin of tuna; 2 hard boiled eggs; 2 spring
onions; a few green olives; 1 clove of garlic; 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil; 2 tbsp
white wine vinegar; salt and pepper
Chop the tomato and egg into small cubes place in a bowl and set aside
Finely chop the spring onion then crush the green olives (remove the stones
first) and add to the tomato and egg
Drain the tuna and add to the above ingredients mixing all together
Make the dressing by mixing the olive oil, vinegar and garlic (crushed) in a jam
jar - shake the jam jar then pour the dressing over the salad
Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper and serve with some roughly
cut chunks of white bread.

Fried prawns in batter
Ingredients: 1/2 kg medium sized prawns; olive oil; 150g flour; 2 egg whites;
250 ml beer or lager; salt
Sieve the flour into a bowl and add a pinch of salt
Make a hole in the middle of the flour and add 1 tbsp olive oil and the beer or
Stir the mixture well working it from the centre outwards until it has a smooth
consistency - put aside at room temperature for 30 mins
Peel the prawns leaving part of the shell at the tail end
Whisk the egg whites until stiff then add to the batter
Heat enough oil in a pan to deep fry the prawns
Place the pawns in the batter one by one and fry them a few at a time until the
batter has turned golden and the prawns are done
Remove the prawns from the oil and drain off excess oil by placing them on a
plate covered with kitchen paper.



Spanish Tapas in English, Recipes in English by Carlos Mirasierras

Ingredients: 1/2 kg mushrooms; 1 small onion; salt and pepper; olive oil; 1 tbsp
flour; parsley (optional)
Clean the mushrooms and slice them leaving the slices quite chunky
Place 4 tbsp olive oil in a frying pan, heat the oil and then add the mushrooms
and chopped onion - season with salt and pepper
Fry the mushrooms and onion slowly over a low heat for about 15 mins keep
Finally add 1 tbsp flour and stir into the mixture for a further 5 mins - place in a
serving dish.
Potatoes in garlic mayonnaise
Ingredients: 2 large potatoes; 3 tbsp mayonnaise; 1 large clove of garlic
crushed; 2 tbsp fresh of chopped parsley
Peel the potatoes and boil in salted water for approx 20 mins check that the
potatoes are done then drain and leave to cool
In a bowl mix the mayonnaise, chopped parsley and crushed garlic
Once the potatoes have cooled chop them into small chunks (2x2cm)
Add the potatoes to the garlic mayonnaise and mix well
Leave in the fridge for 30mins before serving at room temperature

Russian salad (Ensaladilla rusa)
Ingredients: 1 large potato; 2 eggs; 1 small tin of tuna; mayonnaise; green
olives (pitted)
Peel the potato cut into small pieces and boil in salted water for approx 10 mins
or until soft - drain and leave to cool
Hard boil the eggs then remove the shells and leave in cold water to cool
Once cooled, chop the egg and potato into small cubes place in a bowl and add
the tuna
Chop a few green olives and add to the bowl (optional)
Mix all the above ingredients season with a little salt and pepper
Finally add 2 - 3 tbsp mayonnaise and stir into the mixture
Garnish with whole green olives and a sprinkle of sweet paprika.


Spanish Tapas in English, Recipes in English by Carlos Mirasierras

Prawns with garlic mayonnaise
Ingredients: 50 g mayonnaise; 50g large prawns; 1 large clove of garlic
crushed; sea salt
Mix the mayonnaise and crushed garlic in a bowl and set aside
Shell the prawns, place on a baking tray
Sprinkle with a little sea salt and olive oil then place under a medium grill
Turn the prawns several times so that they are thoroughly cooked on both sides
When the prawns are golden place on a serving dish with the garlic mayonnaise
to one side
Stuffed mussels
Ingredients: 1.5 kg mussels; 1 large onion; 2 green peppers; 1/2 kg tomatoes;
1 glass of white wine; salt; olive oil; béchamel; flour; eggs; fine bread crumbs
Clean the mussel shells very well (you´ll need to use them later)
Place the mussels in a pan and add the white wine then cook with the lid on
When the mussel shells have opened remove the flesh and place on a plate
(put the shells to one side for use later)
Chop the onion and peppers finely and sauté in 3 tbsp olive oil then peel and
chop the tomato, add to the mixture and season with salt
Chop the mussels finely and add to the mixture
Fill the mussel shells with the mixture and top with béchamel (see below for
instructions on how to make béchamel)
Cover with flour, beaten egg and the breadcrumbs (not the shell) and fry in hot
oil until the breadcrumbs are golden.

Recipe for fried almonds
Ingredients: 100g peeled almonds; sea salt; 1 tbsp olive oil
Heat the olive oil in a frying pan
Add the almonds and move them around the pan constantly for about 1 min
When the almonds have browned remove from the frying pan and place on a
plate covered with kitchen paper
Sprinkle some sea salt (the coarser the better) and leave to cool before eating

Spanish Tapas in English, Recipes in English by Carlos Mirasierras

Fried Squid
Ingredients: 1/2 kg frozen squid; flour; eggs; fine breadcrumbs; sunflower oil; 1
Make sure the squid pieces are completely defrosted
Beat an egg and set aside for the batter
Heat sunflower oil in a frying pan - make sure there´s enough oil to deep fry the
Cover the squid pieces in egg, flour and breadcrumbs then fry in hot oil
Remove the fried squid from the frying pan and serve on a plate with a few
pieces of lemon.

Garlic King Size Prawns
Ingredients: 3 tbsp olive oil; 1 clove garlic; a pinch of paprika; 10 large peeled
Place the peeled prawns, finely chopped garlic, pinch of paprika and olive oil in
a strong earthenware casserole dish
Place over a medium heat and cook until the prawns have curled and turned
pink - alternatively you can cook the prawns in the oven (180 degrees)
Serve immediately with a cool dry white wine.
Easy quick recipe for Spanish omelet
(Tortilla Española)
Ingredients: 4 eggs; 1/2 kilo potatoes; Olive oil (one glass, or 1/4 liter); Salt
Wash and cut the potatoes into thin slices. Heat the oil in the pan, and add the
potatoes and salt. Fry, stirring occasionally. Tip: If you prefer the potatoes to be
soft, use a spatula to mash them as they are frying. As soon as they are a
golden color, remove from the pan and put the potato mixture either in a sieve
or on kitchen paper, so that as much oil as possible drains away or is absorbed.
Beat the eggs well with a pinch of salt, and add to the potatoes. Mix well.
Put two small spoonfuls of olive oil in the frying pan, so that the bottom of the
pan is covered with a thin layer of oil. Once the oil is hot, add the potato and

Spanish Tapas in English, Recipes in English by Carlos Mirasierras

egg mixture. Tip: shake the pan gently as you move the mixture, so that none
sticks to the bottom. Once the omelet seems to be cooked, use the lid of the
frying pan (or a large plate) to tip the omelet out of the pan, add a little more oil
and slide the omelet in again, this time putting the less cooked side first into the
pan. If you need to repeat this step, so that the omelet is perfectly cooked and
golden on both sides, you may do so. This omelet is delicious hot or cold.
Stuffed Tomatoes
Ingredients: 8 small tomatoes, or 3 large ones; 4 hard-boiled eggs, cooled and
peeled; 6 tbsp allioli or mayonnaise; Salt and pepper; 1 tbsp parsley, chopped;
1 tbsp white breadcrumbs, if using large tomatoes
Preparation: Skin the tomatoes, first by cutting out the core with a sharp knife
and making a '+' incision on the other end of the tomato. Then place in a pan of
boiling water for 10 seconds, remove and plunge into a bowl of iced or very cold
water (this latter step is to stop the tomatoes from cooking and going
mushy).Slice the tops off the tomatoes, and just enough of their bases to
remove the rounded ends so that they will sit squarely on the plate. Keep the
tops if using small tomatoes, but discard those large tomatoes. Remove the
seeds and insides, either with a teaspoon or small, sharp knife. Mash the eggs
with the allioli -or the mayonnaise, if using- salt, pepper and parsley. Stuff the
tomatoes, firmly pressing the filling down. With small tomatoes, replace the lids
at a jaunty angle. If keeping to serve later, brush them with olive oil and black
pepper ot prevent them from drying out. Cover with cling film and keep. For
large tomatoes, the filling must be firm enough to be sliced. If you make your
own mayonnaise, thicken it by using more egg yolks. If you use shop-bought
mayonnaise or allioli, add white breadcrumbs until the mixture reaches the
consistency of mashed potatoes. Season. Fill the tomatoes, pressing down
firmly until level. Refrigerate for 1 hour, then slice with a sharp carving knife into
rings. Sprinkle with chopped parsley. - See more at:

Chicken Livers in Sherry
Ingredients for six people: ½ kg chicken livers; large onion finely chopped; 3
garlic cloves finely chopped; 4 tbsp olive oil; 1 tbsp of plain flour; 150ml of
sherry; 1 tbsp tomato puree; 100 ml water; salt and freshly ground black pepper
Remove all the fat from the chicken livers and then cut them into bite size

Spanish Tapas in English, Recipes in English by Carlos Mirasierras

Heat half the oil in a large frying pan and fry the onion and garlic until they are
soft – this will take about 10 – 15 minutes. Remove the onion and garlic from
the pan and save on a plate.
Add the rest of the oil to the frying pan and heat the oil over a high heat. Once
the oil is hot add the chicken livers and keep the heat high to seal the livers and
stop any of the juices from escaping. Cook the livers for about 5 or 10 minutes
stirring often. Remove the livers and save on a plate.
Return the onion and garlic to the frying pan and sprinkle in the flour. Cook this
while stirring constantly. Add the sherry and continue stirring, add about 100ml
of water and the tomato puree and stir to mix this through. The texture of the
sauce should be quite thick but still a sauce. Some of these quantities can be
varied depending on how you like your sauces.
Return the livers to the frying pan, season well with salt and pepper and cook
for about 5 or 10 minutes.
You could serve this as a tapa with crusty bread or as a main course with boiled
For variations on this you could add a lot less flour or more water to have a
runnier sauce, you could miss out the tomato puree altogether or you could
miss out the flour and add more tomato. All of these options create lovely

This delicious salad, Escalibada, is a Catalan dish and is one of the most
popular cold tapas.
Ingredients: 4 red peppers; 3 eggplants; 2 large tomatoes; 1 large onion; salt
and pepper; 4 medium-sized potatoes (optional); 6 spoonfuls of vinegar; 2
medium-sized glasses of olive oil
2 cloves of garlic; a pinch of cumin (optional).
Preparation: :
Heat the oven up to 180º. Wash and dry all the ingredients. Put the peppers,
eggplants, tomatoes and onions (all whole) in an oven dish or on the oven tray.
Put them in the oven. Wrap the potatoes up in foil and put them in the oven too.
Leave for approximately one and a half hours to roast. Turn them over once.
When they are roasted, take the vegetables out and peel all of them (except the
potatoes). Some people find it easier to peel red peppers by hand. It is
important to peel them as soon as they are taken out of the oven - if they are
left too long to cool, the skin may cling onto the peppers. Cut the tops off the
eggplants and red peppers.

Spanish Tapas in English, Recipes in English by Carlos Mirasierras

Remove the little pips from inside the red peppers, and cut the peppers and
eggplants into long strips. Slice the onion and tomato. Keep all ingredients
separate and add salt, pepper, a few drops of vinegar and a generous amount
of olive oil.
Cut the baked potatoes, empty the skins, cut them up, add olive oil and salt and
pepper. Put all the ingredients on a serving dish (don't mix them up - make
individual portions of each vegetable). Sprinkle the chopped garlic over the
whole dish, season with salt and pepper (and ground cumin or whole cumin
seeds if you wish) and pour some more olive oil and vinegar over if required.
Garlic Mushrooms and Bacon
Ingredients: 24 medium white mushrooms; 200g bacon; 1 small onion, diced; 6
Garlic cloves, finely chopped; 50g butter,1 tbsp freshly ground black pepper;
salt, olive oil
Peel and quarter the mushrooms, cut the bacon into thin strips and set aside.
Heat the butter in a large terracotta casserole and once melted add the onions
and garlic – cook for 2 minutes over a medium heat ensuring the butter does
not burn.
Next, toss in the mushrooms and bacon and mix well, add a drizzle of olive oil if
Season with salt and pepper and cook for further 8 – 10 minutes until the
mushrooms are done to your liking.
Serve small portions in tapas bowls alongside fresh crusty bread.

Easy recipe for tomato and basil salad (Ensalada de tomate y albahaca con
queso fresco)
Ingredients: 500 g tomatoes; 15 ml (1 tbsp) vinegar; 45 ml (3 tbsp) virgin olive
oil; a large pinch of brown sugar; fresh basil; Salt; black pepper; White cheese
Slice the tomatoes into thin slices and place on a serving dish. Dice the white
cheese and sprinkle the pieces over the tomato.
Mix the olive oil, vinegar, salt, pepper and sugar well. Pour over the tomatoes
and cheese.
Chop the fresh basil leaves, and sprinkle over the tomatoes.
Put the salad in the fridge until you are ready to serve it.

Spanish Tapas in English, Recipes in English by Carlos Mirasierras

Recipe for marinated boquerones
Ingredients: 1 kilo of boquerones (fresh anchovies); 1 cup vinegar; 1/4 cup
rock salt; slices of ginger; 1/2 cup olive oil; 1/4 cup finely chopped parsley; 1/4
cup vinegar; 2 tbsp. finely chopped garlic
1 tbsp whole black pepper corns; chopped hot peppers
Clean fish and marinate overnight in the vinegar, salt and ginger mixture.
The following morning discard the liquid. Prepare all the other ingredients and
add the fish.
Mix well and put in bottles. Leave refrigerated for at least 2 weeks before
Chickpea salad
Ingredients: 1/2 kg chickpeas; hard boiled eggs; 4 red peppers (pimientos del
piquillo); small bunch of spring onions; 1 small clove of garlic; 1 large tomato;
fresh parsley; extra virgin olive oil; white wine vinegar; salt and pepper; 50g
cured ham.
Drain and rinse the chickpeas (if using dried chickpeas soak overnight and then
boil the next day in a pressure cooker for 10 mins or boil for 1 hour 10 mins in a
Prepare the tomato by blanching it and removing the skin and pips following this
cut it into small cubes and place in a bowl
Add the red peppers to the tomato (if you can´t find the Spanish pimientos del
piquillo you will need to roast the red peppers for about 20 mins and then
remove the skin and cut into strips)
Cut the cured ham into small squares and add to the bowl. Dress with extra
virgin olive oil and white wine vinegar over and season with salt and pepper
Add the chickpeas to the salad mixture
Garnish with fresh parsley and serve.
Recipe for marinated olives
(Aceitunas aliñadas)
Ingredients: 1 kg of olives; a sprig of thyme; a sprig of oregano; 1 lemon; 5
cloves of garlic;1 bay leaf; a piece of fennel; a teaspoon of peppercorns; 1 part
of vinegar to 4 parts of water.

Spanish Tapas in English, Recipes in English by Carlos Mirasierras

Split the olives using a hammer or a wooden spoon Put them in a bowl and
cover with water. Change the water every day until the olives become less
bitter. It should take between 5 and 7 days
Put all the other ingredients into one large jar or plastic container (or several
small ones) which can be properly sealed. Add the olives. Leave for at least a
month, so that the flavors can blend before starting to use them.
Fried Black Pudding
Spanish morcilla - black pudding - is the first sausage to be made from the
freshly killed pig and is very popular throughout Spain. It is flavored with spices
and herbs, usually including garlic and oregano, and has a wonderfully rich,
spicy taste.
Ingredients: 1 tbsp olive oil; 1 onion, thinly sliced; 2 garlic cloves, thinly sliced;
1 teaspoon dried oregano; 1 teaspoon paprika; 8 oz morcilla (black pudding ),
cut into 12 thick slices; 12 slices of French bread; 2 tbsp fino sherry; sugar, to
taste; salt and ground black pepper; chopped fresh oregano, to garnish.
Preparation: Heat the olive oil in a large frying pan and fry the sliced onion,
garlic, oregano and paprika for 7-8 minutes until the onion is softened and has
turned golden brown. Add the slices of black pudding, then increase the heat
and cook them for 3 minutes, without stirring. Turn them over carefully with a
spatula and cook for a further 3 minutes until crisp. Arrange the rounds of bread
on a large serving plate and to each with a slice of black pudding. Stir the sherry
into the onions and add a little sugar to taste. Heat, swirling the mixture around
the pan until bubbling, then season with salt and black pepper. Spoon a little of
the onion mixture on top of each slice of black pudding. Scatter the oregano
over, and serve.
Simmered squid
Ingredients: 1 tbsp olive oil, plus extra for drizzling; 1kg prepared squid and
tentacles, cleaned and cut into thick rings; 2 onions, chopped; 3 cloves garlic,
sliced pinch of chili flakes; 1 tsp fennel seed; 3 bay leaves; 1 tbsp rosemary,
roughly chopped; pinch of sugar; 3 tbsp red wine vinegar; 400g can chopped
tomatoes; large glass of red wine (about 200ml)
To serve: handful chopped coriander; ½ orange zest


Spanish Tapas in English, Recipes in English by Carlos Mirasierras

Heat the olive oil in a shallow saucepan or flameproof casserole and add the
squid, onions and garlic. Add the dry ingredients and simmer until all the liquid
has evaporated and the onions are tender, about 15 mins. Add the vinegar and
chopped tomatoes, simmer for 1 min, then pour over the red wine and season.
Simmer very gently on the lowest heat, stirring occasionally, for 1 hr or until the
sauce is rich and the squid is really tender.
Turn off the heat, leave to cool slightly, then drizzle with a little more olive oil
and scatter with the coriander and orange zest.
Artichoke and Asparagus in a Green Garlic Sauce
Ingredients: 8 medium fresh artichokes; 20 fresh, tender, green asparagus; 3/4
cup extra-virgin olive oil; 1 oz pistachio nuts, chopped; 1 egg white; 1 glass
water; 4 tsp chives, chopped; 2 oz fresh bread crumbs; 2 garlic cloves, peeled
and chopped; juice of 1/2 lemon; salt and white pepper
To prepare the artichokes: in a large pan bring plenty of water to a boil with a
little salt and some lemon juice. Remove all the outer leaves and inside
filaments of the artichokes, leaving just the hearts. Cook until tender and let
them cool in the water in the pan to avoid darkening of the flesh. To prepare the
artichoke leaves, boil them in water and a little salt but avoid overcooking.
Remove from the water and refresh under the cold tap.
To cook the asparagus, wash them well, then boil in plenty of lightly salted
water until tender but still firm--al dente. Remove from the water and refresh
immediately under the cold tap.
To prepare the sauce use an electric blender or food processor. First add the
egg white, garlic, chives, pistachios, lemon juice, bread crumbs, half a glass of
water, and a little salt and pepper. Blend for a while then, with the machine still
running, add the olive oil little by little as if making mayonnaise. This sauce
should have a medium consistency.
To serve, drain the artichoke hearts, slice and place on plates. Drape the
asparagus over decoratively, and cover with the sauce. Garnish with cherry
tomatoes and a few chives or endive leaves.
Catalan tomato bread with jamón serrano
Ingredients: 4 ripe tomatoes, grated; 1 garlic clove, finely chopped 3 tbsp olive
oil; salt pepper; 20 slices of baguette; serrano ham slices for the baguette


Spanish Tapas in English, Recipes in English by Carlos Mirasierras

Preparation: Mix together the grated tomatoes, garlic glove, olive oil, salt and
pepper. Keep in the fridge until needed.
To serve, toast 20 slices of baguette. Spoon a little tomato topping on to each
piece of toast. Tear enough slices of jamón serrano for the bread pieces so
they can be put on top of each slice of bread.
(Advice: the bread should not be toasted in excess.)
Croquetas de bacalao (Cod croquettes)
Ingredients for the croquetas:1 lb salt cod; 1 1/4 lb floury potatoes; 1 1/4 cups
milk; 6 spring onions finely chopped; 2 tbsp olive oil; 2 tbsp chopped fresh
parsley; Juice of 1/2 lemon; 2 eggs, beaten; Plain (all-purpose) flour, for
dusting; 3 1/2 oz dried white breadcrumbs; Olive oil , for shallow frying; lemon
wedges and salad leaves, to serve;
For the allioli: 2 large garlic cloves, finely chopped; 2 egg yolks; 1 1/4 cups
olive oil; juice of 1/2 lemon, to taste.
Soak the salt cod in cold water for at least 24 hours, changing the water two or
three times. The cod should swell as it rehydrates. Sample a tiny piece. It
should not taste unpleasantly salty when fully rehydrated. Drain well and pat dry
with kitchen paper. Cook the potatoes, unpeeled, in a pan of lightly salted
boiling water for about 20 minutes, until tender. Drain. As soon as they are cool
enough to handle, peel the potatoes, then mash with a fork or use a potato
masher. Pour the milk into a pan, add half the spring onions and bring to a
simmer. Add the soaked cod and poach very gently for 10-15 minutes, or until it
flakes easily. Remove the cod and flake it with a fork into a bowl, discarding
bones and skin. Add 4 tbsps of mashed potato to the cod and beat them
together with a wooden spoon.
Work in the olive oil, then gradually add the remaining mashed potato. Beat in
the remaining spring onions and the parsley. Season with lemon juice and
pepper to taste - the mixture may also need a little salt but taste it before adding
any. Add one egg to the mixture and beat it until thoroughly combined, then chill
until firm. Shape the chilled fish mixture into 12-18 balls, then gently flatten into
small round cakes. Coat each one in flour, then dip in the remaining beaten egg
and coat with dried breadcrumbs. Chill until ready to fry. Meanwhile, make the
allioli. Place the garlic and a good pinch of salt in a mortar and pound to a paste
with a pestle. Using a small whisk or a wooden spoon, gradually work in the egg
Beat in about half the olive oil, a drop at a time. When the sauce is as thick as
soft butter, beat in 1-2 tbsps lemon juice. Continue adding oil until the allioli is

Spanish Tapas in English, Recipes in English by Carlos Mirasierras

very thick. Season to taste, adding more lemon juice if you wish. Heat about 3/4
inch oil in a large, heavy frying pan. Add the fritters and cook over a mediumhigh heat for about 4 minutes. Turn them over and cook for a further 4 minutes
on the other side, until crisp and golden. Drain on kitchen paper, then serve with
the allioli, lemon wedges and salad leaves.
Patatas bravas with chorizo
Ingredients: 1 tbsp olive oil;1 onion, chopped; 2 garlic cloves, sliced; 1 red chili,
chopped; pinch cayenne pepper; pinch smoked paprika; 400g can chopped
tomatoes; 1kg new potatoes, halved or quartered; 250g small cooking chorizo
Heat a little oil in a pan, fry the onion, garlic and chili until the onion softens, add
the cayenne and paprika and stir. Add the tomatoes and bring to a simmer, then
cook the whole mixture down for about 20 mins until you have a thick paste.
Season well and, if you prefer a smooth sauce, blitz it with a hand blender.
Meanwhile, steam the potatoes for 10 mins and put the chorizo in a frying pan
to slowly cook and release some of its oil. Tip off the excess red oil and add 1
tbsp olive oil. Add the potatoes and fry everything together, turning the heat up
as you go so both the potatoes and chorizo brown in patches. Tip into a bowl.
Season the sauce – if it isn’t hot enough add a few more pinches of cayenne.
Spoon the sauce over the potatoes and chorizo to serve.
Cheese, leek & potato tortilla
Ingredients: butter, for frying; 1 leek, thinly sliced; 225g potatoes, previously
friend in olive oil and drained (about 1 to 2 medium size ones); 6 eggs; 85g
cheddar; 1 tbsp sage, finely chopped (or 1 tsp dried sage), optional
Melt a knob of butter in a medium, nonstick frying pan, then cook the leek for
about 5 mins until softened. Meanwhile, cut the potatoes in half, then into slices
about ½cm thick. Beat the eggs, season, then stir in the cheese and sage.
Add a little extra butter to the pan if needed, tip in the potatoes, then the egg
mixture. Turn the heat to low, then cook for 10 mins until nearly set. Place under
a hot grill, then cook for a couple of mins more until the top is set and golden.
Slice into wedges and serve with a green salad.
Calamares a la Romana
(Squid rings fried in batter)

Spanish Tapas in English, Recipes in English by Carlos Mirasierras

Ingredients: 6 heaped tbsp of plain flour; sunflower oil for deep frying; lemons
cut into wedges; salt and pepper.
If you are using whole squid start by cleaning it. Hold the body in one hand and
the head in the other and gently pull them apart. Throw the entrails away. Pull
out the spine which runs the length of the body and wash the squid well.
Cut the body into rings about 1.5-2cm wide. Slice the wings into strips and cut
the tentacles from the head and discard the heads. Put the squid in a bowl with
4 lemon wedges – don’t squeeze the juice from the wedges – and leave to
marinate in the fridge for 1 or 2 hours.
In a deep bowl combine the flour, salt and pepper. Don’t be tempted to leave
the salt out as it is a very important ingredient. There won’t be much flavor
without it. You could add 1 teaspoon of paprika if you would like a smoky taste
but I don’t think it is really necessary. Leave this mixture to the side.
When you are ready to cook pour the sunflower oil into your deep fat fryer or a
deep saucepan on a medium heat until it is smoking hot. It is very important that
the oil is very, very hot. Dip the squid in the bowl of seasoned flour making sure
they are coated thoroughly.
Once the oil is hot drop a large handful of squid into it and fry for about 1 minute
until it is golden brown. Remove the squid from the oil using a slotted spoon and
drain on kitchen paper. Fry the remaining squid in the same way but make sure
the oil is still very hot. Be careful not to add too much of the squid to the fryer at
one time as this will cause the oil to cool too much and the flour will absorb too
much of the oil. A variation includes to deep the squids in beaten eggs after
they have been floured. Have a try to find the best option.

Warm chickpea, chorizo & pepper salad
Ingredients: 200g sausage; 1 tbsp olive oil; 410g can chickpeas, drained and
rinsed; 250g jar roasted mixed peppers, drained and roughly chopped; handful
coriander leaves, chopped; 2 tbsp natural yogurt
Preparation: Cut the chorizo into 3cm thick slices. Heat the oil in a large frying
pan over a high heat. Cook the chorizo for 4-5 minutes, turning occasionally
until the edges start to crisp and it has released its red oil.
Tip the chickpeas into the pan and cook for a couple of minutes until hot. Add
the peppers and cook for a few minutes until everything's juicy. Remove from

Spanish Tapas in English, Recipes in English by Carlos Mirasierras

the heat, stir in the coriander, ladle into two bowls and top each with a spoonful
of yogurt.
Gambas a la plancha (Grilled prawns)
Ingredients: 1/2 cup olive oil; juice of 1 lemon; 2 teaspoons sea salt; 24
medium-large shrimp (about 1 pound) in the shell with heads intact.
In a bowl, whisk together the olive oil, lemon juice, and salt until well blended.
Dip the shrimp briefly into the mixture to coat lightly. Heat a dry skillet over high
heat. When the pan is very hot, working in batches, add the shrimp in a single
layer without crowding. Sear for 1 minute. Decrease the heat to medium and
continue cooking for 1 minute longer. Turn the shrimp, increase the heat to
high, and sear for 2 more minutes, or until golden. Keep the shrimp warm on an
ovenproof platter in a low oven. Cook the rest of the shrimp in the same way
.When all the shrimps are cooked, serve them on a platter and consume
immediately as quality diminishes if they are eaten cold .
Recipe for Salmon salad
Ingredients: 400g fresh salmon (cleaned); 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil; juice of 1
lemon; salt and pepper; white wine vinegar; mix of lettuce leaves
Marinate the salmon in the olive oil and lemon juice for 2 - 3 hours
Wash the lettuce leaves and place on a large round plate
Remove the salmon from the marinade and cut into thin strips (about 2cms)
place on a baking tray with a knob of butter spread on it to prevent sticking
Place the baking tray under the grill for a few seconds turning the salmon once
so that it´s done on both sides
Place the strips of salmon on top of the lettuce leaves and pour some of the
marinade onto it adding a few drops of white wine vinegar.
Recipe for leek vinaigrette
Ingredients: 6 medium leeks; white wine vinegar; 1 tsp Dijon mustard; 175ml of
olive oil; 2 shallots; salt and pepper
Cut both ends off the leeks then peel and wash them thoroughly
Tie the leeks together (in two bunches of 3) and put them in a pan of boiling
water for 20 mins checking that they are soft before removing from the heat

Spanish Tapas in English, Recipes in English by Carlos Mirasierras

Rinse the leeks in cold water and dry them before cutting into 7cm lengths
Prepare the vinaigrette by mixing 3 tbsp of white wine vinegar, 1 tsp mustard
and the olive oil - season with salt and pepper
Chop the shallots finely and add them to the vinaigrette mixing all ingredients
Arrange the pieces of leek in a serving dish and pour the vinaigrette over them
Leave in the fridge for 1 hour before serving.
Serrano Ham Stuffed Mushrooms
Ingredients: 3 slices of thick (around 3mm) serrano ham (diced); 1 generous
splash of extra-virgin olive oil; 3 cloves of garlic (minced); parsley (minced); 12
to 14 medium white mushrooms.
Mix together the ham, parsley, garlic and olive oil.
Remove stalks from mushrooms.
Fill mushroom cap with the ingredients.
Place on a baking tray and cook on a high heat in the oven for 15 – 20 minutes.

Mushrooms fried in garlic and oil (al ajillo)
Ingredients: 1/4 cup (2 fl. oz) olive oil; 4 cups (8 oz) mushrooms, wiped clean
and quartered; 6 cloves garlic, minced; 3 tbsp dry sherry; 2 tbsp lemon juice;
1/2 teaspoon dried red chili, seeded and crumbled (optional); 1/4 teaspoon
Spanish paprika (optional); salt and pepper, to taste; 2 tbsp chopped parsley.
Heat the oil in a skillet and sauté the mushrooms over high heat for about 2
minutes, stirring constantly. Lower the heat to medium and add the garlic,
sherry, lemon juice, dried chili, paprika, and salt and pepper. Cook for about 5
minutes or until the garlic and mushrooms have softened. Remove from the
heat, sprinkle with chopped parsley, and serve on small earthenware platters.
Rice-Stuffed Peppers
Ingredients: 1 lb 2 oz short-grained Spanish Rice, such as "Bomba" or
"Calasparra" type; 2-3 tbsp olive oil; 4 large red peppers; 1 small red pepper,
chopped; 1/2 onion, chopped; 1/2 tomato, skinned and chopped; 5 oz minced
chopped pork; saffron; chopped fresh parsley; salt.


Spanish Tapas in English, Recipes in English by Carlos Mirasierras

Preparation Cut off the stem ends of the peppers, keeping them as lids to
replace later, and scrape out the inner membranes with a teaspoon. Heat the
oil, sauté the red pepper slowly until it is tender and remove. Fry the onion until
tender, add the meat and brown it lightly, adding the tomato after a few minutes,
then put back the cooked pepper, and stir in the raw rice, saffron and parsley.
Salt to taste. Fill the peppers carefully and lay them on their side in an
ovenproof dish, being careful the filling doesn't fall out (you can wrap them in
tinfoil to help hold them together). Cover the dish and put it in a hot oven for
about 1 1/2 hours. The rice cooks in the juices from the tomato and pepper. If
the peppers are thin-skinned, you may need to add a little stock towards the
end of the cooking time.
Cod in Tomato Sauce
Ingredients for 4 people: 400 - 600g salt cod; 1 medium onion, finely
chopped; 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped; 1 green pepper, chopped; 3 ripe
tomatoes, medium sized, peeled and chopped; oregano (optional); parsley;
soup spoons of olive oil; salt; flour.
If you are using salt cod remember to soak it for at least 24 hours in advance
and change the water about every 8 hours. Drain it well and dry on kitchen
towels before following this recipe.
The first thing to do is make the tomato sauce. To do this heat the olive oil in a
large frying pan and add the onion and green pepper and fry gently until the
onion is almost transparent. Then add the finely chopped garlic and continue
frying gently for a few minutes more. Add the chopped tomatoes and the
oregano to the frying pan, stir the mix then cover and leave to cook on a slow
heat for about 10 minutes. Zap this mix in a food blender then return it to the
frying pan.
You now have 2 options with the cod one of which is healthier than the other. If
you want the healthy option simply cut the cod into chunks, add it to the sauce
and simmer for about 10 or 15 minutes.
For the slightly less healthy option cut the cod into chunks, coat it in flour and fry
it in a reasonable amount of olive oil until it goes a golden brown color. Then put
it in the tomato sauce and simmer for 5 or 10 minutes.
You may need to add some water to the sauce and you should taste it and
season if necessary.
Serve with some boiled potatoes and vegetables and perhaps a little crusty
Boquerones Fritos Recipe (Fried fresh anchovies)

Spanish Tapas in English, Recipes in English by Carlos Mirasierras

Ingredients: 250g of fresh anchovies; 6 heaped tbsp of plain flour; sunflower oil
for deep frying; 2 lemons cut into wedges; salt and pepper:
The first thing you will have to do is remove the heads and guts from the fish.
This is quite easy as they are so small to begin with.
Combine the flour, salt and pepper in a deep bowl. Don’t be tempted to leave
the salt out as it is a very important ingredient. There won’t be much flavor
without it.
Pour the sunflower oil into your deep fat fryer or a deep saucepan on a medium
heat until it is smoking hot. It is very important that the oil is very, very hot. Dip
the whitebait in the bowl of seasoned flour making sure they are coated
Once the oil is hot drop a large handful of fish into it and fry for about 1 minute
until it is golden brown. Remove the fish from the oil using a slotted spoon and
drain on kitchen paper. Fry the remaining fish in the same way but make sure
the oil is still very hot. You may need to do this in small batches depending on
the size of fryer you are using.
Be careful not to add too much of the fish to the fryer at one time as this will
cause the oil to cool too much and the flour will absorb too much of the oil.
Serve with lemon wedges on the side.


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