Cartamotivacion .pdf

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Autor: Julián Naranjo

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Study in Russia
It is very motivating to study in Russia, a society strongly rooted in its culture and
history and that defends its roots. Just several years ago I received instruction in the
historical-cultural psychology of Lev Semionovich Vygotsky through the work in
Spanish "Evolutionary and pedagogical psychology in the USSR" which is a
compilation of very interesting and important contributions from psychologists in the
line of the foundations proposed by Vygosky. I believe and firmly defend the deeply
historical-cultural character of the human psyche and I do this not only from what
Vygotsky called the higher psychic processes, but also from a perspective that
involves drives, the unconscious, desire, since I currently have a master's degree in
clinical psychoanalysis and a doctorate in research in psychoanalysis.
The Vygotsky school and psychoanalysis assign a constitutive role for the human
psyche to language, but in addition, based on the magnificent contributions of
Leontiev, historical-cultural psychology also takes activity as a constitutive pillar of
the psyche, while Non-naively idealistic approaches to psychoanalysis embrace the
constitutive that comes from interactions (Lorenzer) and acts (Lacan). So studying
the Russian language and studying the activities, interactions, actions and acts
framed in Russian society is a path that without detour leads to apprehending much
of the spirit of the Russian world that has always fascinated me since my childhood.
Having the possibility of studying in Russia is related to my scientific, research and
professional objectives: 1) Reveal the links between cognitive skills, functional
organs, mental and body schemas on the one hand, with the drives, affects, desires
and topics proposed from psychoanalysis on the other hand. 2) Work from a clinical
and also pedagogical perspective on each of these aspects and the existing and
revealed links between those same aspects.
Regarding my academic achievements, I mention that I am a psychologist, and as I
already mentioned, a master in clinical psychoanalysis and a doctor in research in
psychoanalysis. I achieved my last two academic titles with outstanding performance
(Honorable Mentions). Regarding my professional achievements, I have already
made considerable progress in terms of the objectives that I mentioned since I have
published 6 articles in prestigious journals, some of them indexed. In 2023 I also
carried out a peer review service for an academic article for the “Latin American
Journal of Fundamental Psychopathology”. My academic and professional
achievements can be seen in my ORCID:
In my articles I take contributions from various authors, mainly from those who, from
psychoanalysis, psychology and pedagogy, escape the narrowness and dogmatism

of so-called positivism or logical empiricism. I say "mainly" because I can also take
contributions from other authors, respecting my epistemological framework. In my
years of academic training I have had the great opportunity to study the different
currents of psychology, psychoanalysis and pedagogy. I am currently learning
Russian on my own. I am very motivated to learn from Russia and contribute to
I present a brief explanation about the topic of each of my articles, first mentioning
the title of each of them and finally mentioning the journal where each article was
published and the date of publication.
In the section of the application “additional information about achievements in
various fields” I have also added this same presentation about my articles.
Specialized articles that I have written on historical-cultural psychology (Lev
Vygotsky's approach) and psychoanalysis:
1. "Transitionality, Playing, Identification and Symbolization: Winnicott and
Vygotsky" - Reveals an epistemological and methodological convergence
between Winnicott and Vygotsky regarding the notions of transitional space
and play, respectively. The bases of an integrative treatment of the two main
groups of psychological problems are proposed (cognition group and affect
group), based on the use of play as a transitional space usable in the field of
psychological treatment. Journal of Psychiatry Reform (2021-07-06),
2. In spanish: “The real and concrete man: playing, object, body and
identification project” - In this article I gave my first outlines regarding the
consideration of playing and the game that I explained in the article that I
listed first. However, this article in Spanish also deals with the object in
psychoanalysis and historical-cultural psychology, which agree that there is a
cut between object and human being and that, therefore, there is no linear
relationship between the two, Namely, there is no relationship reducible to the
Input - output scheme. There are more topics that I deal with in this article:
The integral work with the unconscious image of the body (Dolto) and the
body schema (cognitive psychology) which, by the way, is also addressed by
the Argentine psychologist, psychoanalyst and psychomotrist, Esteban Levin.
Furthermore, in this article I discuss the interesting parallel between the zone
of proximal development (Vygotsky) and the area of relational possibles (P.
Aulagnier). Topía, un sitio de psicoanálisis, sociedad y cultura (2021-01),
3. In Spanish: "From unconscious to unconscious or the four great furies" - In
this article I present how the Freudian and psychoanalytic clinic is a clinic
argued as "from unconscious to unconscious." The exercise of this “Clinic
from unconscious to unconscious” would be enough to avoid incurring

technical disagreements associated with fanaticism, vehemence, and
impulsiveness. Disagreements that are called furores and are classified into
four categories: furor interpretandis, furor educandis, furor curandis and furor
aedificadorem. Topía, un sitio de psicoanálisis, sociedad y cultura (202201-20),
4. “Phatansmagoric Organization of Desire: The father ideal is incest through
the father”- In this essay, I elucidate the notion of the ideal father and his
drama from a brief extract of one of my cases of psychoanalytic treatment
and the contributions of Gerard Pommier and Philippe Julien.
“The adjudication” is an original conceptual proposal from my own effort
around the notion of the ideal father, but as drama or problematic in
treatment. Here I take some considerations in relation to neuroses and
5. In Spanish: “Phatansmagoric Organization of Desire: The father ideal is
incest through the father” - It is the same essay that I have presented as
number 4, but also published in Spanish and by the same Journal.
6. "Specificity of the Treatment of the real: subjects of the social and dissident
links"- It is an article in which I clarify the specificity of psychoanalysis, more
precisely that of the clinic of the real that corresponds to the contributions of
the so-called "old Lacan."
Furthermore, I offer a renewal of the specificity of the treatment of the real in
the subjects' occupation of the social and I propose the formalization of two
new discourses or social links from psychoanalysis. Subject, Action, &
Society: Psychoanalytical Studies and Practices (2021-12-29),

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