ConexionCentralND108aPC en v1.1 .pdf

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Ninco Digital 108 Power Base to PC USB connection
Needed Material:
ND 108 Power Base (PB check software: ND108Tester powered by PCLC)
RichG PB to PC cable (PS2 to USB cable with ND exclusive connection)
PCLC Race Management Software on a PC (RMS).

108 RMS System

1) Firstly we need to confirm that our ND PB is a 108 version. We can easily check it
with the mini application created for this:
ND108Tester powered by PCLC.
Download ND108Tester en:

Ninco Digital with PB 1.08 track

2) Connect the PB to the PC using RichG cable. Be careful that this is a special cable
(not a simple PS2 to USB converter):

RichG Cable: PB to PC

To purchase this PS2 to USB special cable with reference ND PB to PC USB contact with:
Available lengths: 1m, 2m, 3m, 4m y 5meters.
Option: PS2 to Serial if you don’t want to use a USB connector:

3) Configure your COM port to:
Bits per Second: 1200
Data Bits: 7
Parity: None
Stop Bits: 1
Flux Control: None

4) At PCLC  Options  select the interface: “Ninco Digital Powerbase 108” and start

At the interface window, parameterize it as desired:

PCLC additional information at:
The End.
by djlutz
12 / 2010 v1.1

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