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Obviously Isaac’s skins would be the other characters.

Lilith and the Keeper are from the DLC, so they are
out. The Lost is a nice EE and doesn’t really have limbs
so he is also out. I have other plans for Azazel and
Intro animation

When Isaac enters the field he does it with the same
animation that is used when he goes to another floor.
Here, the animation will be reversed, as he comes out
of the trapdoor


Isaac normally doesn’t jump, but thanks to the item

Special feature

literally called How To Jump
he is able to surpass
obstacles. He would jump copying the animation that
he has when using the item, twice if he double-jumps.
Isaac would have something that combines Olimar’s
Pikmins with Cloud’s limit breaks. With Cambion
, when Isaac takes damage a random
familiar appears. I don’t know if this is balanced or
not, but that’s not my job. Every 50% damage, a
familiar appears. The familiars shoot in the same
direction Isaac is facing and shoot if Isaac is pressing
the A button. When the player loses a life, the
familiars go away too and the cycle restarts. The
familiars will follow the following cycle:


50%- Brother Bobby : Shoots mini-tears
that don’t deal a lot of damage

100 %- Sister Maggy : Shoots blood tears
that deal more damage than Bobby’s but in a
slower rate.

150%- Little Steven : Same damage than
Bobby’s, slower range, but they follow the
enemy briefly

200% -Abel
: Same as Bobby but shoots in
the opposite direction.

Poor Isaac is traumatized. He just lies down and cries.