Economy and Business terms Charlie, your teacher of English.pdf

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Economy and Business Terms - Charlie, your teacher of English
Average: It is a number that is calculated to summarize a group of numbers. The most commonly
used average is the mean, the sum of the numbers divided by however many numbers are in the
group. The median is the middle value in a group of numbers ranked in order of size. The mode is
the number that occurs most often in a group of numbers. Take the following group of numbers: 1,
2, 2, 9, 12, 13, 17
The mean is 56/7=8, The median is 9, The mode is 2
Awarded Damages (or Compensatory Damages): It's the money awarded to a plaintiff to
compensate for damages, injury, or another incurred loss. Compensatory damages are awarded in
civil court cases where loss has occurred as a result of the negligence or unlawful conduct of
another party. To receive compensatory damages the plaintiff has to prove that a loss occurred, and
that it was attributable to the defendant. The plaintiff must also be able to quantify the amount of
loss in the eyes of the jury or judge.
Balance sheet: It's a summary of the financial value of a company, usually published at the end of
its financial year.
It is a statement of a company's assets, liabilities, and stockholder equity at a given period of time,
such as the end of a quarter or year. A balance sheet is a record of what a company has and how it
has come to have it. A balance sheet is divided into two main sections, one that records assets and
one that records liabilities and stockholder equity. The assets should generally equal the liabilities
and stockholder equity because the latter two are how the company paid for its assets. Examples of
items recorded as assets include accounts receivable and property, plants, and equipment.
Examples of liabilities include accounts payable and long-term bonds.
Be listed on an exchange (to): To be listed on an exchange, a business must first comply with
basic criteria set by that exchange and continue to fulfill any requirements it demands. Exchanges
often add and delete businesses from their listings. Possible criteria may include the number of
shares the company includes in a list and a required minimum of earnings. Also another name for a
listed company is a quoted company.
Bear Market: A bear market is a condition in which securities prices fall and widespread pessimism
causes the stock market's downward spiral to be self-sustaining. Investors anticipate losses as
pessimism and selling increases. Although figures vary, a downturn of 20% or more from a peak in
multiple broad market indexes, such as the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) or Standard &
Poor's 500 Index (S&P 500), over a two-month period is considered an entry into a bear market.
Bid: It's a benefit that can be expressed numerically as an amount of money that will be saved or
generated as the result of an action. Making a business case for a new strategy or product idea
usually involves pointing out the economic benefits of the proposal to decision makers, enabling
them to measure the financial effects of the proposed change.
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