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Resultados para «serious»:

Total: 6 resultados - 0.009 segundos

6th costa rica open ENGLISH 100%

A certain percentage of the profits will be donated to a foundation for the development of Children's National Hospital and Spina Bifida Clinic which has been working with patients with myelomeningocele, these are children with a complex problem because it involves column with a defect in the closure of this, with serious movement problems, secondary orthopedic complications, lack of bladder control, hydrocephalus and frequent surgeries.


04/07/2013 www.caja-pdf.es

Retrat-Lourdes 75%

Joel Meyerowitz (born March 6th, 1938 in the Bronx, New York City) is a street photographer who began photographing in color in 1962 and was an early advocate of the use of color during a time when there was significant resistance to the idea of color photography as serious art.


16/02/2012 www.caja-pdf.es

Horses BOM 58%

The author provides over-whelming evidence to show how the use of the word 'horse' in the BOM is a very serious problem to the credibility of the BOM.


28/10/2013 www.caja-pdf.es

Efateí num.1 50%

People can be sympathetic, but if people here don’t know the person who died or the person who is having serious surgery, they’ll never have the same sympathy as someone who feels about them the same as you.


24/04/2012 www.caja-pdf.es