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B) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjective in parentheses (comparative and superlative)
a) My car is (big) _______________ than yours.
b) This house is (beautiful) _______________ than that one.
c) This is (good) ______________ book I have ever read.
d) Cheetahs are (fast) ________________ land animals.
e) Which is (dangerous) _________________ spider in the world?
f) A holiday at home is (good) __________________ than a holiday at a hotel.
g) There are countries where wine is (expensive) ___________________ than water.
i) The weather today is (bad) ________________ than yesterday.
j) She was the (clever) _________________ student of all.

C) Complete the table with the adjectives below.
(lazy, hard-working, irresponsible, responsible, polite, rude, greedy, generous, weak, strong, mean, nice)


D) Complete the sentences with the appropriate adjective (ACTIVITY C).
1. My brother never does his homework. He is very ________________.
2. Thomas works a lot. He is very ____________________.
3. His friend never says “Thank you”. He is so _______________.
4. Your father always hits his dog. She is ________________.
5. Donna always comes on time. She is _______________.
6. Inna and Carla often give me presents. They are really ________________.
7. Your children always say “Please”. They are so _____________.
8. Sabrina never shares with anybody. She is quite _____________.
E) Correct the mistakes in these sentences.
1. His car is the best than mine.
2. French wine is better in the world.
3. Your job is the worse than mine.
4. His grandparents travel the farthest than his parents.
5. These computers are the more expensive than those.